Uniform Policy
Teams must provide their own basketball uniforms to play in.
You may hire jerseys from ABA at a cost of $20 per set per game. [teams must organise their own shorts] If jerseys are hired, NO uniform penalty points will be awarded.
Uniforms must have numbers on the FRONT and BACK of the uniform to allow scorers to complete their duties on every game. [numbers can NOT be taped on or over, or drawn on]
The colour of the jersey is permitted to be a different colour to the shorts but all colours MUST be of the same dominant colour. [uniform penalty points will apply]
Each uniform violation will incur a 3 point penalty with a maximum of 10 points awarded to the opposition.
layers' shorts are NOT permitted to have pockets in them due to health and safety requirements. [pockets can NOT be taped or turned inside out]
Players will NOT be permitted to play with pockets in their shorts.
Compression tops, bottoms, shooting sleeves, headbands and sweatbands are unrestricted and can be any colour.
All jewelry, including wrist bands, rings, necklaces and earrings etc are not allowed to be worn.
A 3 week grace period at the beginning of the season will apply and no uniform penalty points will be awarded to allow teams time to organise their uniforms.
For any scenario believed to be out of scope of the above rules, please email ABA at aba.meblourne@gmail.com at least 24hrs before your game if clarifiaction is required.